Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I Am Me

I am responsible for myself~
I am responsible for living my own life~
I am responsible for tending to my own spiritual, emotional, physical, and financial well-being.~
I am responsible for identifying and fulfilling my own needs, wants and desires.~
I am responsible for living according to my own values and standards.~
I am responsible for knowing and defending my own boundaries.~
I am responsible for solving my own problems and for living with those I cannot solve.~
I am responsible for making up my own mind, even when this means, disagreeing with others.~
I am responsible for re-evaluating a situation and changing my mind when appropriate.~
I am responsible for setting my own priorities and for achieving my own goals.~
I am responsible for my own decisions, and their outcomes.~
I am responsible for whom I love and for how I choose to express that love.~
I am responsible for what I do to others and for what I allow others to do to me.~
I am not expected to be perfect.~
I am not expected to forsee every consequence of every action.~
I am not expected to be responsible for any random events.~
I am not expected to do more than my fair share.~
I am not expected to be responsible for other people's actions, feelings, needs, or problems, except when I choose.~
All of me, every aspect of my being is important.~
I count for something.~
I matter.~
My feelings are valid.~
My thoughts are appropriate.~
I trust and believe in myself.~
I value my wants and needs.~
I have rights and I am expected to stand up for those rights.~
I do not deserve and will not tolerate, abuse or constant mistreatment.~
The decisions I make, and the way I conduct myself, will reflect my high self-esteem.~
I am unique and special.~
Within me is infinite value.~~


Richard said...

Hmmm … nice to see you are back with such a thunderous noise.

Stretching your wings or is there something hidden in your post (sorry, after 10 years of marriage, I have learned to try to look below the surface for an possible obvious hints I might be missing).

I disagree with these

I am not expected to be perfect.~
I am not expected to forsee every consequence of every action.~
I am not expected to do more than my fair share.~
I am not expected to be responsible for other people's actions, feelings, needs, or problems, except when I choose.~

I would change them as thus:

I am expected to try to be perfect.
I am not expected to try to foresee the consequences of my actions.
I am expected to do my fair share.
I am expected to be respectful of other people's feelings, needs, and problems.

Anonymous said...

I like that. I like it when people don't expect me to be perfect - less stress on me :)

Prince Romp said...

hmmm...You are so You!
Good to see you are back again.

Anonymous said...

so true!! good to see you writing!!!