Wednesday, April 26, 2006
The Four Letter Word
I truly believed that it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. It's the four letter L word. It's the one syllable word that causes butterflies to flutter in my stomache, make my heartbeat skip faster, and my pulse quicken.
It's the one word that causes my tears of joy to flow, washing away all my sorrows from my heart through the windows of my soul. And it's also the word that causes me pain and worry inadvertently.
To me, Love at first sight is when a mother beholds her child for the very first time and a lifetime pledge of unflailing love which is promised in that one single glance.
As for sibling love is the one you share with the brother who teases you mercilessly, hides your most prized teddy, and sniggers when he pulls your ponytail loose in a mall, but doesn't hesitate to avenge the first guy to trample over your heart.
Whereas Puppy love is the little boy who gave you your first flower in kindergarten. And in return, your friends will start teasing you and make you blush from your puppy love.
Incomprehensible love is being Daddy's little girl no matter how old you are. It's when Daddy walks his little girl down the aisle while remembering some time not so long ago when he was walking her to nursery and she was whimpering. This time, it's Daddy who has a suspicious sheen of tears in his eyes.
To me First love is that heady feeling I get whenever I think of that special person. Of being an eloquent speaker but when I come face to face with that person, my tongue twists into knots and then make an inane fool of myself, but he laughs and comprehends what I'm saying anyway.
It's also the time when Cupid chooses to practise his archery skills and make me feel the tugging in my heart, the place where his arrow struck a chord. True love is when I know the receiver isn't Mister Universe or Superman or the Hunk from HotBods or he, a hopeless sports fan whereas I know I can't tolerate a bunch of men kicking balls in a field but loving that person anyway.
To me it's finding that quick "goodbye, see you tonight, love" note on the fridge in the morning, holding hands while watching the evening news or finding fulfilment in sitting sprawled on the floor doing jigsaw puzzles and finding that the best pastime of all. It's accepting someone as a whole, flaws, imperfections, cutesy antics and all.
Well, there is also Lost love, where those cherished memories that will always be tucked in some corner of my heart. In never regretting anything, but taking it all as a sweet, surreal experience.
"There's no end in LOVE-ing you my hubby and my dearest children" SassyLady /SassyMomma
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Tell Me Why??
I'm not quite sure whether it is pure coincidental or what...? Hmmm, but if it's true, than its an honour for me to be a trendsetter. So...for this week, I'll be posting mostly craps!!... (^o^).
Here are 14 silly yet logical questions that needs to be answered. Can someone help me answer them? I know someone will.
- Why are people scared of mice but love Mickey Mouse?
- Why is vanilla ice-cream white when vanilla extract is brown?
- If marriage means you fell in love, does divorce mean you climbed out?
- If shampoo comes in so many colours, why is the lather on your head always white?
- On a hamburger bun, why is the top half of the bun is always bigger than the bottom one?
- How can sweet and sour sauce be sweet and sour at the same time?
- If a rabbit's foot is a lucky charm that some people carry with them, what happened to the footless rabbit?
- Why do we say "bye bye" but not "hi hi"?
- If Dracula has no reflection, how come he always has such a straight parting in his hair?
- Why is it called pineapple, when there is neither pine or apple in it?
- Why is it called eggplant when there's no egg in it?
- Why is a blackboard green?
- Why is it good to be a daddy's girl, but bad to be a mummy's boy?
- If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
Its Me...Its Me...
Loyalty: Honesty: Generosity: Humility: Tolerance: |
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Kids...& Mr Bean
Since I'm so stressed up the past few days, thought I'd make myself happy by reading some jokes, comics and anythin about humour. I had picked up a few and thought post it in my blog to share with my frens.
Teacher Teaching Good Manners
During class, a teacher was trying to teach good manners.
The teacher asks the students:
Teacher: "Michael, if you were on a date, having dinner with a nice young lady, how would you tell her that you have to go to the bathroom?
Michael: "Just a minute, I have to go piss.
Teacher: " That would be rude and impolite!!!
Teacher: "What about you John,how would you say it?"
John: " I am sorry, but I really need to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back."
The teacher: " That's better, but it's still not very nice to say the word bathroom at the table.
And you Peter, are you able to use your intelligence for once and show us your good manners?"
Peter: " I would say: Darling, may I please be excused for a moment, I have to shake hands with a very dear friend of mine, whom I hope you'll get to meet after our dinner."...duh
Dead Cat
A Kindergarten pupil told his teacher that he had found a dead cat.
The teacher asked the pupil: "How do you know that the cat was dead?"
The pupil answered" Because I pissed in its ear and it didnt move"
"You did WHAT?!" the teacher exclaimed in surprise.
"You know," explained the boy, "I leaned over and went 'Psst!' and it didnt move."
Mischief Boy
An exasperated mother, whose son was always getting into mischief, finally asked him "How do you expect to go to Heaven?"
The boy thought it over and replied:"Well, I'll run in and out and keep slamming the door until Saint Peter says, 'For heaven's sake, Dylan, come in or stay out!"
Never Jump the Gun
A Woman wanted to call her husband on his handphone but discovered that the battery on her handphone was dead.
So she instructed her young son to use his phoe to pass an urgent message to his daddy. After junior called, he told his mummy that a woman had picked up daddy's phone the three times he tried calling.
Angry and furious, she waited impatiently for her husband to return from work, and, upon seeing him in the driveway, she rushed out and gave him a tight slap. And then another, for good measure.
People in the neighbourhood saw the commotion and came out to see what would develop further.
Noticing the gathering of neighbours, the angry woman asked her son to tell everybody what the woman on the phone had said to him when he called.
Junior said: "The Woman's voice said, "The subscriber you have dialled is not available at the moment. Please try again later."
George Washington
Teacher: George Washington not only chopped his father's cherry tree but also admitted it. Why didnt his father punish him?
Louie: Because George still had the axe in his hand.
Teacher: Clyde, your composition on "My Dog" is exactly the same as your brother's. How come?
Clyde: Because we share the same dog?
What say u?
Teacher: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
Harold: A teacher.
Fun With Mr Bean
Brain Tumor
Doctor: You have a brain tumor
Mr Bean: Yes!! (jumps in joy)
Doctor: Did you understand what I just told you?
Mr Bean: Yes of course, do you think I'm dumb
Doctor: Then why are you so happy?
Mr Bean: I have a brain!
In Primary School
Teacher: What is 5 plus 4?
Mr Bean: 9
Teacher: What is 4 plus 5?
Mr Bean: Ah, you are trying to fool me, by reversing the numbers eh? The answers is 6!
In A Drug Store
Mr Bean: I'd like some vitamins for my grandson.
Clerk: Sir, vitamin A,B or C?
Mr Bean: Any will do, my grandson doesnt know the alphabet yet.
An An ATM Machine
Friend: What are you looking at?
Mr Bean:I know your PIN number.
Friend: Alright, what is my PIN number if you saw it?
Mr Bean: Four asterisks (****)!
Friday, April 14, 2006
Me & Sports Car
I'm a Chevrolet Corvette!
You're a classic - powerful, athletic, and competitive. You're all about winning the race and getting the job done. While you have a practical everyday side, you get wild when anyone pushes your pedal. You hate to lose, but you hardly ever do.
Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.
Although the description isnt really the exact of me but very very close to who I really am. I kind of like if I were a Chevrolet Corvette...very sassy...dont you think so??...hee
Oh yeah, Happy Holidays to all who are celebrating Good Friday and a happy weekend ahead.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Tagged - About Me
Anyway I'm not into this mambo jumbo tagging stuff . Never been involved in one and dont intend to either. But for the sake of my good friend and for the sake of fun, what the heck.
Its actually on Four Things About Me.
Four jobs I have had in my life.
1. Chef
2. Marketing Manager
3. Accountant
4. 'B' job
Four movies i would watch over and over again.
1. Grease
2. Troy
3. As Good As It Gets
4. Titanic
Four places that I have lived.
1. My mom's house
2. My house
3. My house
4. My house
Four Tv shows I love to watch.
1. Survivor
2. The Amazing Race
3. Extreme Makeover
4. Days of Our Lives
Four places that I have been on vacation.
1. Bali
2. Perth
3. Lake Toba
4. Genting Highlands
Four websites I visit daily.
1. My emails
2. My own blogsite
3. Louis Vuitton
4. Youngnutrition
Four places I'd rather be right now.
1. Spa
2. Jacuzzi
3. Bed
4. Heaven
Four friends who I tagged that I think will respond.
Hmmm...No one in mind (any volunteers?)...hee
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
7 Donts After Meal
Got to the returning section at the library and finished processing everyting. I was about to take my leave when this book caught my eyes. Dont know why, but seemed interesting to me. (may be boring to you...what the heck!) Grab the book and head to a corner seat.
The book itself covers many chapters on our daily eating lifestyle and diet. Looks like I have to borrow this book. Time is not on my side, so have to finish reading it at home. Before that I only manage to catch a glimpse on this;
Seven Things Not To Do After A Meal
Don't smoke
Experiment from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after a meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer are more). To those smokers, consider this ok...better still, STOP smoking NOW!
Don't eat fruits immediately
By immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take your fruit 1 to 2 hour after meal or 1hr before meal. ( We learn something new everyday, dont we)
Don't drink tea
Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest...hmm..a good excuse to just stick to coffee...
Don't loosen your belt
Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked. Instead, wear something loose or better still dont wear anything at all...harhar
Don't bathe
Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body. Thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease.This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach...and usually after bathing you will feel hungry again.
Don't walk about
People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake...and dont run, jump, jog or anything associated to it either.
Don't sleep immediately
Dont go to sleep immediately after your meal because the food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine. Furthermore, you wont be able to sleep on a full stomach...thin sensibly.
I believe we have unintentionally made one of the above of as our daily routine thingy after every meal. So, by reading the above facts, hope we can change our 'after meal habits' towards a better health...dont you agree...
Now, have to take my bathe first before eating my chilled watermelon...yum yum! Adios!!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Special Day..Hurray!!!
Let me do some introduction about him, he's sweet, kind and a gentleman. He is also full of charisma, dreams, very intelligent yet full of humour. We have chemistry as friends...well, yeah, all friends do have cat fights and so do we, but nothing of serious till we have to defame, be sarcastic or throw hate mails at each other.
We're two sensible adults. We get along very well and I hope we can stay like that forever. Let me also describe his looks, he have this starry gorgeous eyes, sweet handsome smile and broad masculine body. It would turn womens heads when he passes by...ok enough!
Over the period of our friendship, what I love most is his TLC towards the people around him. He would put others needs before him...where can you get a friend like that man! And if you want to know more about him, you could 'see' him in action here
So, to you my good young handsome friend....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!