Thursday, June 22, 2006

Chillin' Out

Have to admit that I've been pretty busy and feeling very lazy lately, so found myself a shortcut in updating my entry..only after visiting someone's a way, i 'stole' from there.

You Are Sunset

Even though you still may be young, you already feel like you've accomplished a lot in life. And you feel free to pave your own path now, and you're not even sure where it will take you. Maybe you'll pursue higher education in a subject you enjoy - or travel the world for a few years. Either way, you approach life with a relaxed, open attitude. And that will take you far!

I tried it out from here

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Father's Day

Its Father's Day
A day to celebrate...
A day to show your love..
A day to rekindle your lost love..
A day to show your real respect..
A day to show your unforgotten memory..
A day whre its just about your Dad.

To my MAN on Father's Day

On whom my life depends,
My children's cheerful champion:
You are where yearning ends.
My paramour and harlequin,
All I want, and all I can
Not want and be OK.

A father means so many things,
An understanding heart,
A source of strength and of
Support right from the start.
A constant readiness to help,
In a kind and thoughtful way,
Encouragement and sympathy,
Forgiveness come what may.
A special generosity
And always affection too.
A father means so many things
When he’s a man like YOU!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Happen to Know

You know I have to admit being sinful the past years of my life. A sin I've committed but with no shame I admit. Instead, it gives me the pleasure and given the opportunity I wouldn't want to repent in any other way. I am guilty for being a thief! Yes..i repeat..I'm a thief!!

I became a thief that steal ones’ smile, ones’ heart n ones’ trust. I just happen to know where to look, happen to know what to do. I also happen to know that there is a time for everything ( if one can manage) and I happen to know when the right time is.

I happen to know the One action that I did has high values that is cherish by that someone or even everyone. I also happen to know that being one to steal ones’ smile means bringing happiness, joy and cheer one when one is down.

I happen to know that being able to be the needed is an honor to me. And by being able to try my best to cater of the needy is ones’ wish, MY wish. I happen to know that being able to steal someone’s’ heart, is how and when I can express care and love towards that someone.

I do happen to know how to care as a mental support to the needy. Being able to love is to express how much I would cherish another, that special someone. But being not only the one to know, I am also letting the others know. Especially the special someone.

It is never wrong to love another.
It is just how people would see it.

Lastly, I happen to know being able to steal ones’ trust. Its just no simple matter that can happen overnight or over the weekend. Nowadays, it is very hard for another to trust another. It is due to many lies that exists in the world. It is either for ones’ benefit or just to cover an ugly fact.

However, I happen to know this. Others trust can be given to you willingly. You just have to earn it. As I like to put is as stealing it.
“Be a thief, to steal one smile, one heart, one trust”

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I guess I've been spending too much time blogging, surfing and everything else that is involved with the blog world and the internet.

Those long hours spent have taken away my time from my children. And I've made a decision to retire from the blog world to focus and concentrate my time in raising my children. They've been so neglected that they are taking care of each other..they're still so can they manage and how can I do that to them..

Just look at them if you dont believe me...(bad momma)

Friday, June 02, 2006

One Too Many?

Too young to grow up
Too old to be a child
These feelings pent up
For more than awhile…
Too quiet to be noticed
Too loud to be ignored
With all in this life
How can I be bored?
Too thoughtful to give up
Too selfish to care
How much more of this pain
Can my poor soul bear?
Too blessed to be abused
Too violated to feel free
How in the world
Could all of this happen to me?
Too united to be missing
Too lonely to be found
I barely know what
Makes my world go round…
Too happy to ignore
Too troubled to acknowledge
How did I end up this way
With all of my knowledge?
Too creative to be ordinary
Too dull to be unique…
All of this uncertainty
Makes me feel like a freak…
Too difficult to be deciphered
Too simple to be misread
Unable to get this chaos
Out of my head…
Too pure to be tainted
Too corrupt to be clean
Powerless to figure out
What all of this means…