Tuesday, December 20, 2005

You Want The Truth?

What lies beneath...Inside out...such a disturbing doubts and if we wanna the truth?? We CANT handle the truth. It's about our partner so called soulmate.

Do you really want to know everything about your partner? How long have you waited before you asked him about the truth, nothing but the truth. Is it too early or perhaps too late.?

How well do you really know our partner? This may seem like a simple question but there is more to it than meets the eye. I mean, do you know the truth about your partner in terms of his true colours, his past, previous relationships, his secrets, most darkest secret, the first time he kissed and of course the first time he lost his manhood too...but most of us will say...heck care who cares?...harhar.

But, let me warn you firsthand, always be prepared mentally. Coz once the cat is out of the bag, it will not return back. In a way, there's the advantages and disadvantages behind it. But it certainly will make your relationship much stronger with the 'barrier' in your relationship broken down. Like the berlin wall, everyone united with a wider scope of life ahead...as like the advantages/disadvantages it has the positive and negative results too.

Even worse still, you cant bear to look at his face after learning the truth. Frankly, the truth is an evil thing, sometimes it is not meant to be released. Its best kept as a secret till the end. It is good, too good to be true but....if otherwise? dont say its hard to accept or swallow maybe the blood vessel will burst out first. Dying young...har har no way.

I have a simple sassy way of seeing life. No fuss no mess.
While we're into secrecy and feelings. Have you ever have this feeling of wanting to share a secret with someone but you cant cos you've sworn not to tell anyone.

Well, right not its just jostling up and down inside me waiting to burst out and scream 'let me out, let me out, I want out now!' It makes my head thinking not straight most of the time.

But a promise is a promise. No matter whatever happens, I will not let 'them' out, let it be buried with me to the grave straight to the heaven...but then, no matter how we always keep the cats in the house, and end up someone will let the dog out...who let the dog out? whoof...whoof... whoof... whoofff.


Skater Girl said...

Personally.. in a relationship between husband and wife.. honesty is the best policy.. so it's better to tell the truth than to hide somethings while later the wife/husband will find out.. which led to big fire or burnt the house down.

However, sometimes wife/husband need to keep somethings secret too which is part of our life as long as the secret is not something that will tear the relationship apart. If he/she thinks it might, then it's better to tell the truth than not.

If he/she does not feel like talking about the secret then it's better to leave it alone and not dwell on it unless you're insecure of it. But if you know how strong the relationship between your husband/wife then no matter what the truth is, it will stand the heat.

Prince Romp said...

Honesty is the best policy to couples who knows how to sit down and talk...and not otherwise.

Secrets and privacy are always being robbed by anxiety and curiosity...which always killed the cats and now the Humans too.

Anonymous said...

hahahaa if the couples cannot sit down n talk let the periuk blanga do the talking.. clingg cling clang clang.. ka---buussshhh

hmm of course honesty is the best policy.. but sometimes u dun really want to reveal your very darkest secrets especially of the past before u get married to your soulmate..

SimplyMas said...

Some things are not meant to be told... Sometimes you have to keep those secrets from escaping to protect your love ones as what Suriyati mentioned!

I know how you're feeling! Sometimes when a secret told, it's just too big and we're just DYING to tell someone but PROMISES is promises isn't it?


Elvina aka LaoNiang said...

Well I have learnt that maybe it's better to tell the truth than be burdened with it forever.

Once you let the truth out, the burden is shifted to the listener - who would have the choice of coming to terms with it, or to be completely pissed by it. By being honest and truthful, you have done your part by being fair and open.

So - sometimes truth is not ALL that bad. :)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wanna know, sometimes I'd rather not know. Yea, it can be confusing...!! But um... maybe I'll just have a little at a time, that way I won't be shocked to know who the real Mr I'm dating... just hope it's not too late by them :D

Have a wonderful 2006!! :)

LaFLor said...

i know way more than i wouldwant to. barriers don't always stand in the way. sometimes they protect.

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