Saturday, February 04, 2006

Human Nature

Humans are selfish by nature. There are few people out there who willingly put the needs of others before their own, not looking for anything in return.

There are few people out there who would make sacrifices for someone who cannot repay them twice over. But I've learned this week that the true measure of a man is seen in how he treats those who are of absolutely no good to him.

Humans were not brought up to think about being alone, or making themselves happy all on their own. The first thing they seek to do is to find people or things to make themselves happy, before they even consider what they can do to aid in the happiness of others.

Humans are greedy, and always want more of everything they have. Humans covet. They always want what others have. Humans are insatiable. Nothing... Nothing is ever enough. But that's just how they are, right? That's how they were programmed to think and act and behave. So, that's human nature. Right? Wrong!!

We were born loving, weren't we? I mean, a child shows love in its purest form. That's why children would go straight to heaven if they died.. they are so pure... But from the time we start to get older and observe the behaviour of those around us, we pick it up and do what they do.

We become selfish because the people around us are selfish. We become covetous because people covet what we have. So if it was just a case of 'human nature' then there would be no chance of change, would there? But there is. It's just up to each one of us. What we call human nature... is actually just human habit.


Anonymous said...

Glad to know u r back!! :)

Great post! Yes, I think money is behind it all... Money is evil. Imagine what life would be without money... maybe people will be more considerate towards others' needs. But then it's just a fantasy...

Anonymous said...

PS: Happy New Year! :D

Prince Romp said...

"We were born loving, weren't we?" =Sassymom.

Nope!! was born heartless..crying all the time asking for sympathy till the day we die...haha

Good to see you again...

Best Regards

Kay said...

Thank u guys for ur comment and forever support towards my blog...

Hope not too late to wish everyone a Happy New Year 2006 and 1427H

SimplyMas said...

So good to hear from you again!!! What you saying is true! Humans always say its human nature but actually, it's really not! We pick up habits as we grow older and to change is always a hard thing to do but sometimes we do need to sit down and ponder and change all the bad habits that we posses!!!

Never too late to wish a Happy New Year!!! :D