Monday, March 27, 2006

Chicken of Wrinkles??

When i woke up this morning, my bedroom mirror gave me quite a terrible shocked! Did i develop wrinkles on my face? Oh nooo. Amidst our daily life and routine thingy, tight hectic schedules, I know, i shouldnt ignore my facial and take good care of my body and its complexion..Furthermore With the sun scorching hot, burning right through the blouses and shirts...every day even my bra was not spared...I feel like Im drying up like a dried plum or grape...

Even I disciplinely gulped down 8 glasses of water every single day it wasnt good enuff to stop the dehydration process...So I've become panicky and started to look up all kinds of UV protection creams, SPF lotions and those relevant to it...why?? Just in case...

I dont want my face easily dried up or get wrinkled so fast, and quite paranoid I might look like a 70 year old granny instantly...although I'm only a grandaunt. But being a woman, I'm very nervous, maybe a little vain and have taken steps on how to reduce or slow the process of wrinkling till the extent of finding out more especially in the cyberland, the pharmacy or beauty counter and wherever I can get my source from... you can call it vain pout to the extreme if you want, but I dont care. What i want is to prevent it before it too late.

Wrinkles and aging does not cause by age and the sun rays itself. ..there are other aspects that I should be aware of and take 'safety' measures to avoid from wrinkling or drying up...And bcos of that I've broken down a few do's and dont's that I think every 'beau' conscious should worried..Err including me!.

Some says smoking and alcohol increases wrinkles and ages your skin. Well... I dont both, so Im on the safe side....Maybe yes and maybe Not. Then another ppl says, bad diet can affect skin too. So i need to eat a healthy good diet which i hate the most...Ya lah, that includes a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. ( These are antioxidant rich foods that can help keep my skin firmer longer...Wether it works or not? )

That day my personal trainer did also told me...about Dehydration, it can increase wrinkles. I have to drink reservoir of water to hydrate my body and skin. I must drink a minimum of eight glasses of water every day as part of my diet. Wish i can only drink 8 glasses of chill Coke instead.

And alcohol, which causes the skin to sag and become puffy. Huh.. really?. People who drink a lot of alcohol often look older than those who don’t drink at all. This wat studies says. haha..

Then the worst time to consume alcohol is before bed.. not bcos of the hang over on the next day but it can cause the skin excessive stress and will affect it too. My mom used to scold me not to sleep on my face...which is my favourite position but to sleep on my back instead. According to her, sleeping face down increases wrinkling and increases the effects of gravity on the face skin.

Recently i try to find out how to tackle oily skin from my beautician neighbour. She gave me a few tips that i think is quite simple, reliable and interesting. What i have to do is to get a sponge then dab into a mixture of talcum powder that hav been made into a paste and apply it to my face every night as a soother or cool cream aka moisturiser, this is the cheapest and easiest way. Isnt it?

If possible try to get the powder thats in a flat square box with a picture of a lady in cheongsam on the cover of it...the compact is either in white or pink...try it and you wont regret! I think I shall continue again in my next entry....As for now, I need some rough fingers to massage my face...Eeuww!


SimplyMas said...

I find that it's absolutely true about how alcohol does makes you look older and more wrinkly on the face. I noticed that women here in the UK drink more than man does and that's why they always appear older than their hubby. Too much consumption of alcohol can definetely destroy your body - smoking is not better.

Very easy and good regime and deifenitely will try it out... Thins is, they don't sell the powder you mention lah! So must wait till I get to singapore before I can use them!

Kay said...

MJ, wait for the finale of the story in part II maybe today or tomorrow..

Richard said...

How can resist?

I find people overly concerned with their appearance. To me a woman with a clean face is always more beautiful than a woman with makeup. When I see makeup on a face I think of a corpse – we paint the dead to make them look alive. I think the living have a natural beauty all their own – unfortunately, this view is not shared by my wife, who keeps insisting on wearing makeup.

Of course, I am not immune to vanity. For the last two years as I look in the mirror, I see more and more grays appearing on my head (fortunately, I am not losing hair – like some friends. You know, it is strange to see a friend you have known since childhood and see him balding).

Of course, my skin is not as elastic and supple as it was in its youth. sigh.

Alcohol before bed disturbs your sleep because it is depresses the central nervous system. So, while this might cause you to fall asleep faster, it has other consequences that cause your sleep to be more disturbed and less complete. So you wake up in the morning less refreshed – and you look older.

What is my beauty tip for beating wrinkles? Put on weight. As you get fatter, your skin will stretch and smooth the wrinkles away ;-)

(yes, I am just kidding)

Cavalock said...

yah, know wat u mean. Went to bed kinda stoned on tues nite after drinking session, woke up at about 4am with a headache, went back to bed and luckily, was fine at 7am.

Anonymous said...

That's a great tip! I will look for that powder - I've seen it before - and give it a try. How long do I have to leave that powder on my face?

Kay said...

Well, for everyone's get the best effect is to sleep with the powder on...cos it will absorb thru your skin and 'works' while you're sleeping cos at that moment your muscles are relaxed....

MJ - I'll make the powder your homecoming gift...ok??

Richard - Some ladies need makeup cos they wanna hide their freckles, pigments, scars or it really differs on every individual..

I dont believe in makeup also cos it makes your more mature than ur age besides drying up your skin and 'invites' pimples.

So far I have no problems with my skin except those starting to show wrinkles...hmmm

Cavalock - So I suggest you'll be wearing your mask to work eh?

Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

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