Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I guess I've been spending too much time blogging, surfing and everything else that is involved with the blog world and the internet.

Those long hours spent have taken away my time from my children. And I've made a decision to retire from the blog world to focus and concentrate my time in raising my children. They've been so neglected that they are taking care of each other..they're still so young..how can they manage and how can I do that to them..

Just look at them if you dont believe me...(bad momma)


Lady_A said...

Hey sassy! How are ya? Hope u're doing good.

Take care ..

Lady_A said...

Hey sassy! How are ya? Hope u're doing good.

Take care ..

Prince Romp said...

Comments box..Finally you're back!!

Elvina aka LaoNiang said...

For a moment - you scared me there. Don't stop writing! :)

Richard said...

Nice that we can at leave a few tearful farewell comments.

Since you declared you were stopping writing, I considered no longer dropping by, but the hope that you might indulge us with another entry or two keeps me coming back.

It is kind of like going back to the place where you said goodbye to someone in the hopes that maybe they will have returned.

(At least you still drop bye. Thanks)

Coffee Fairy v1 said...

Sassy!!! I'm so glad you're back! *HUGS*

Anonymous said...

U back??? For good?????? :D :D :D

Welcome BACK!!!!!!! *hugz* Ok, I'm going to check u often now :)

Steven said...

Does this happen often?

Kay said...

My retirement actually is slowly taking its place..just not instantly..

Its just like when ur used to zip up ur pants or skit and suddenly u r force change it to button-up ur fly and ehmm..everything takes time...the slower the better..

I wanna leave when Im in the limelight:D' (ever heard dat phrase?

Prince Romp said...
