Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Giver or Taker

To give or to take, dat have always been the unanswered question. And there's also a kind of saying 'to give is better than to take'. It also depends on what i give and what i take.. but i've always been the not give and take type..harhar

I've been doing some soul searching lately cos of someone's remarks against me. Well i can still remember her exact crude remarks, me being selfish, inconsiderate and proud. Oh my gosh! where did all these craps come from? Obviously she doesnt know me well, cant blame her cos we just got to know each other at my daughter's school a few months back but we're not dat close anyway.

It all started two weeks ago when she asked for my help. She have some problems with her utility bills, her daughter's school fees, her phone bills and her husband who's in lock-up..besides dat she's also a shd understand when there's no smoke, all hells break loose. I just redirected her to the proper channel cos i have some problems of my own at dat time. But she upset and angry and started throwing the crude remarks. I was like huh..and my jaw was like almost reaching the ground..its not dat i dont want to help her but i cant.

We had a tongue lashing fight wif me blasting to the maximum my super foul bowel directly to her face and left her ranting and mumbling or whatever else she's got me really pissed off. Here i am wif my own problems and then come this idiotic woman dumping her problems on my shoulder...who does she think she is??

Anyway got home, cooled down then start calling my other frens from the school to share my encounter wif dat idiot. Happens dat she had tried her luck wif one of my fren earlier. so i'm considered as her next victim, hope dat there'll be no other victims after this. My frens reassured me that the crude remarks have also been thrown at them, so no worries cos i'm nothing like what she described earlier..phew what a relief!

Because I know dat i would try to help those ppl i care for and those in need. So far i've never disappoint anyone. Maybe its just her approaching me on the wrong day at the wrong time. Well, too bad. So now i know dat i'm NOT selfish, NOT inconsiderate and NOT proud. So i can stop the search, at least i can use the time to search for some good blog sites..harhar

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