Saturday, October 08, 2005

Cartoons Cartoons

I woke up dis morning quite late cos it was raining and furthermore i slept at about 3.30am...wat was i doing til the wee hours of morning..wat else surfing and reading blogs!

Anyway, took my bath then settled my we sat down and watched favorite channel..especially Disney Channel's..Mickey Mouse and Friends...favourite show since i was a kid myself. Suddenly my daughter and my son started fighting over the tv remote control..she wanted to watch Kids Central and my son wants to watch Cartoon Network..hmmm
kids...wat do they not fight over for..

It all brings back to my own memories of how it used to be me and my brother doing the same...but in those days..there werent any color tvs...only black and white sad were those no remote...u hv to manually change the channel by turning the knob clockwise or anti-clockwise...we would always fight...i mean fight...pillow fight or throwing anything we can catch hold of...just becoz of a silly cartoon show.And usually my brother would win...

Well, the tv itself is already so old til sometimes the sound will 'disappear' we have to bang on it or under it just to 'recover' the sound back...harhar. so when color tvs are 'in', we still didnt hv the chance to watch color cartoons cos my parents couldnt afford it.

So my brother and I would go over to our neighbours house to watch tv cos theirs is color!! Not until six months later, we were surprised by our father bringing back a big box with a color tv inside..we were so terribly happy dat we didnt leave the house the whole day to go out and play like we normally do.

But like i say, my brother is always the first to get his hands on the tv or to 'control' it, i would say...and i would always get the leftover...pity me.But its different wif my children, my son would always win any 'match' and left the sister crying. But eventually, he would give in to his sister and all is merry again!!


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Prince Romp said...

U hav ads comments too...just cant rid of them..

Hopefully genuine readers will post some comments here luck!